Love at First Sight...Clearly

As soon as I noticed the blurred lacking definition of a Chanel tweed, and the diminishing drape of Lanvin....

I knew it was indeed MY eyesight that had gone stale...

To turn up the clarity, definition in detail, and well allow me to actually count the yarns in a fabric and analyze its twist in the infamous tedious FIT class work 

I turned to Warby Parker.

A prominent eyewear company, and a respectable system-giving a pair for every pair bought to those less fortunate, has triumphed a niche market.

Durand Woodland Tortoise Eyeglasses

A fear of being called four-eyes or mocked for wearing spectacles is an obsolete impossible occurrence with Warby Parker in the game.

LOVE the-
 Chamberlain whiskey tortoise

Chamberlain Whiskey Tortoise

As soon as I found these timeless frames, and classic aesthetics I knew my eyes were in good hands and good taste.

The price is amazing, because they sell directly to the consumer cutting out "middle-man" costs

I am so happy their popularity has been on the rise since my first purchase in 2009. I have been a proud wearer ever since, not to mention countless compliments on the chic frames I don on the reg.

My first pair...
The Roark

Then I bought 
The Langston

My next venture is amongst these new favorites:

Duckworth Oak Barrel Eyeglasses

Durand Woodland Tortoise Eyeglasses


Bensen Whiskey Tortoise Eyeglasses

They even have a "virtual-try-on" section!
...and trying to figure out which pair I like best is a challenge, in and of itself

...Enjoy life's every detail- behind a stylish lense. xx


  1. 1. i have just recently become obsessed with warby parker and think they are the best thing in the world.
    2. i think you look great in all of those glasses!

    1. Thank you so much Lydia!

      Once you go Warby you never go back I promise. :)



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